hi there
miss Zarah didnt log off so i decided to blog from her blog.
i drank too much red wine ... im abit tired
so not im drinking red bull
have a fun weekend everyone stay safe
p.s follow my blog its chels
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Friday, 16 August 2013
When My Life Turned Upside Down
The first day my eyes met his was on the 22 June, I had just got to Side Show after working a 12 hour shift at Winter Wonderland, I took one look at him and I was hooked. I know I have seen him before somewhere just not sure where. I never spoke to him but I knew I wanted to get to know him.
All week I tried to get him out of my head as I never thought I'd see him again and if I should, I would be to shy to even approach him. I got butterflies in my stomach when I spoke to him. The next week I fetched Sherice from work and he was still there and we spoke all night and had a proper conversation, Sherice and I partied together after and when the club closed Jarryd, Darren and I spoke to each other till 5 am and we exchanged numbers, at the time I still wasn't sure if he liked me the way I liked him but I remember I sent him a message to let me know when he gets home safe and the next day Sherice and I had work again at the Winter Wonderland after party, Sherice left early to work at Side Show and when I was done at the after party I was on my way to Side Show getting to Side Show I knew I would see him again as we spoke all day flirting with each other on WhatsApp.
That night never turned out the way I hoped it would but I still got to spend time with him and we shared our first kiss, before I got sick to my stomach, hurling all over. The next day I woke up with a huge headache and the feeling of embarrassment. I thought he would never talk to me again, and I really believed I blew my chance. That day was my Uncle's 50th birthday and he still hasn't sent me a message, I knew it was over before anything began. I remember telling Sherice i blew my chance and she replied "You never, he was looking after you last night, he likes you Zarah". I never told anyone about him except Sherice because I didn't want to jinx anything. Eventually he messaged me and I remember apologising all the time because I really was embarrassed as this has never happened to me before.
The next day we spoke all day and met up at Stones later that night, I was shy to see him again as the embarrassment has still not gone away. Eventually I toughened myself up and put it behind me. I saw him everyday since that night except Thursday nights where we skyped each other and we spoke for hours on WhatsApp, and never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that this guy would steal my heart.
He has the sweetest heart, his friendly, ambitious and no swag( thank God, he doesn't believe that he can live off swag lol), his generous, friendly, clever, supportive and always making sure I'm happy. He really has stolen my heart in different ways. I wont say that he completes me because no one can complete another person but he definitely is my better half and together we are just perfect.
I know it's still kind of early days but when you know something is right, you can really feel it and that's the exact feeling I get when I think about him.
While he was in China I missed him even though it was only 4 days it felt as if it was a life time. That was when I realized how much he really means to me.
Before I met Jarryd my life was just about living to see the next day, I wasn't interested in getting a boyfriend or anything else all I was interested in was me, myself and I and obiviously volunteering all my free time to new Kidz on the block.
I still volunteer and am proud to say that I have gotten Jarryd involved in it as well.
So how does my writing about my boyfriend help you in your life? easy don't take my advice on relationships as I'm not the expert when it comes to it because I'm just taking mine a day at the time. But hopefully my story will help you realize that there is someone out there for everyone and that if you not looking you will find someone.
Friday, 9 August 2013
Happy Womens day and Eid Mubarak
Friday morning started off crazy, there was no hot water for me to shower, and wash my hair. Jarryd arrived and the men had returned from the Mosque. Mom was cooking up a storm in the kitchen.
Eid Lunch was at my aunts place and it was Jarryd's first Eid and meeting the Brady Bunch well the one half. I made the prawn recipe that I posted and it was amazing.
We were lucky to have celebrated Eid on Womens Day. After Eid Lunch we returned home to get done for work(well Jarryd to get done for work.

I know usually we don't buy food after the big lunch, and leftovers, but because it was not at home there wasn't really food left. I was hungry later that evening and finally had a Whopper burger from Burger King, My opinion on that: not really worth Hype!!
So this isn't a proper blog post just a Woman's day and Eid Mubarak message. Hope you all have a joyous day with friends and family.
Till next time...
Thursday, 8 August 2013
7 Fashion- Forward Trends From Classic Films
There are so many fashion-forward trends from classic films, some you know quite well- like Audrey Hepburn's stunning LBD - and some you don't. In fact, many of your favorite films, because movies create iconic characters, iconic quotes, and iconic fashions as well. Take a look at these amazing trends from classic films and see if they're lurking around in your wardrobe.
Breakfast at Tiffany's was a wonderfully stylish film, but in addition to strands of pearls, French twists, and tuxedo shirts that double as pajamas, Holly's flawless LBD quickly became one of the biggest trends from classic films. It was an instant classic, and it wasn't the only trend Audrey Hepburn spearheaded through her films- see Sabrina and Funny Face for a start.
Where does Annie Hall's style begin and Diane Keaton's end? The world may never know, but it doesn't really matter. Both free spirited Annie and celluloid goddess Diane work the androgynous menswear trend to perfection, making it imperative for every woman to have at least one tie and one fedora.
It's not exactly a classic film, but Clueless is certainly a classic fashion flick. Alicia Silverstone's stunning Cher and her beverly Hills frenemies created tons of trends, but none ruled the 1990s with as much style as the combination of knee-high socks and chunky, clunky shoes- preferably with a flirtymini skirt, of course. For my money, this is still an adorable look.
Although Grease's leather goodness focused mainly on the boys, the Pink Ladies and Bad Sandy turned the tides for ladies. Even if you prefer the look of the T-Birds, a pair of tight pants and sleek leather jacket became staples of the 1970s- and that particular look is still perfectly flawless today.
Taxi Driver brought us many things, including some iconic lines and a new love for Mohawks. Jodie Foster's precocious little prostitute, the jaded and sullen Iris, ended up creating her own iconic look: short shorts with far more style than Daisy Duke, perhaps because they were invariably paired with bold, your closet, I bet this combo is well represented among your summertime staples.
Many women in movies in the 1950s and 1960s stunned audiences by chopping off their hair and sporting a pixie. The divine Audrey Hepburn did it Sabrina, but Mia Farrow in Rosemary's Baby truly made it an instant classic. A short crop can change your entire look, taking you from demure to fierce in mere seconds.
Is Flashdance a classic? Maybe so and maybe no, but Jennifer Beals help turn the oversized pullover into a (perhaps regrettable) fashion trend. We even saw a return to Alex's shoulder-bearing style recently, although now the 1990s are quickly overtaking the 1980s, relegating this particular look to workout gear.
Movies have the power to inspire, to amuse, to frighten, and to break your heart, but they can also change the favorite sartorial choices became big hits because of their film appearances.
Till next time.
Till next time.
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Recipe: Gordon Ramsay's Hot Chocolate Fondant
8 Tablespoons unsalted butter, plus extra to grease
4 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa, to dust
100g (120ml) good quality bittersweet chocolate (min 70% cocoa solids)
2 Large eggs
2 Large egg yolks
2/3 cup (120g) superfine granulated sugar
2/3 cup all purpose flour
1. Heat oven to 180'C. Grease 4 Large ramekins with butter, about 7.5cm in diameter. Cut a small, square piece of parchment and place in the bottom of the ramekin and grease with butter, then dust liberally with cocoa.
2. In a small bowl set over a saucepan of hot water, slowly melt the chocolate and butter.
3. Remove bowl from heat and stir until smooth. Let cool for 10 minutes.
4. Using an electric whisk, whisk the whole eggs, egg yolks, and sugar together until pale and thick.
5. Add the cooled chocolate mixture and whisk just to combine. Sift the flour over the mixture using a Large metal spoon gently fold in.
6. Divide the batter between the ramekins and bake for 12 minutes. Turn the chocolate fondants out onto warmed plates and serve immediately.
Yield: 4 servings
Recipe: Chocolate Cheesecake
1-1/2 semi-sweet chocolate chips
325ml cream cheese, room temperature
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup butter, room temperature
1-1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup heavy cream
2 tablespoon powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1. Melt chocolate chips in a double boiler over low heat, stirring until melted. Combine cream cheese and butter in the bowl of an electric mixer with paddle attachment, until smooth and fluffy.
2. Add sugar and vanilla, beating well and scraping down the sides. Add melted chocolate, beat to combine.
3. In another bowl, add 1 cup heavy cream and beat until stiff peaks form. Gently fold into chocolate and cream cheese mixture. Spoon into aluminium foil-lined spring form mold or use 2 1/2 cm cookie cutters set on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Chill 1-2 hours. Invert onto a serving platter and remove lining.
4. In a microwave dish add dark chocolate and water. Heat in 30 second intervals until mixture is melted, letting cool slightly. Pour atop cheesecake and set aside.
5. In another bowl, add 1/2 cup heavy cream, powered sugar and vanilla, beating until stiff peaks form. Fill a pastry bag fitted with a pipping tip and pipe icing to top ganache. Serve immediately, or keep chilled in refrigerator.
Preparation: 10 minutes cook: 20 minutes
Yield: 2 servings
My 21st Birthday
So this post is a little over due but i thought I'd share my 21st birthday photos, I had a Barn dance and it was amazing, i had all my close friends and family there. my birthday weekend started of on Thursday night the 10th January, staying awake with my family and just remembering the years before.
On my real birthday i went out with Chelsea www.cherryblossemchels.blogspot.com we started off at Reserve and then Side Show and came home early so that we could be well rested for the Saturday.
finally the day of my birthday arrived and it was better then I expected it was amazing, all the preparations and hard work leading up to the party was really worth it.
We danced all night and had so much fun. Everyone at my birthday was people who really meant something in my life, who made a difference and who helped me morph into what I am today.
Till next time...
Monday, 5 August 2013
5 Unhealthy Reasons Why Couples Stay Together
There are unhealthy reasons why couples stay together after their love fades away. Some reasons are selfish while others are meant to please others. Either way, they're stopping both members of the couple from reaching a higher level of happiness. If one of the following unhealthy reasons why couples stay together applies to you, then you should think about putting an end to the relationship.
One of the unhealthy reasons why couples stay together is because they genuinely care for their partner and don't want to hurt them. But it'll hurt your man more in the long run if you keep him around when you've lost your feelings for him. It's not fair to lie to him. Every moment spent with you is a moment he's losing out on finding someone new. End the relationship so that you can move on.
You might not want to be with your man anymore, but you're comfortable around him, so you stay. It's easier that way. Why go through the trouble of ending things just so you can waste your paycheck on new clothes to impress new guys and spend your lonely nights at a bar? Even if the single life is unappealing to you, it's something you'll have to deal with if you want to find the perfect guy for you. In the end, it'll all be worth it.
If you're scared that he's going to hurt you or himself once you leave, you need to handle the situation delicately. It might be difficult, but you need to get out of the relationship despite the possible consequences. If you're scared for your safety, break up in public place and get a restraining order if necessary. If you think he's going to hurt himself, contact one of his close friends or a family member. Fill them in on your worries and tell them to keep an eye on him.
The cuddling, kisses, and sex may be great. But if you're only staying together because you don't want to go back to having an empty bed, the relationship needs to end. Don't wait until you find a new guy to break up with the current one. It's inconsiderate and makes it seem like you need a man to survive. Besides, single life isn't so bad! You might enjoy it.
When your family brags about your boyfriend and your friends get jealous over him, it might be hard to let him go. If others urge you to remain in your relationship, don't let peer pressure get to you. They don't know your guy as well as you do and haven't seen how he acts when you're in private. Even if he is 'perfect', the chemistry might not be there. It's your life, your relationship, and your decision whether you should end things.
If you're dating for wrong reasons, I hope you consider ending things soon.
P.s Just because i wrote this does not mean I'm in a Unhealthy or unhappy relationship, it's there to help others.
Till next time...
One of the unhealthy reasons why couples stay together is because they genuinely care for their partner and don't want to hurt them. But it'll hurt your man more in the long run if you keep him around when you've lost your feelings for him. It's not fair to lie to him. Every moment spent with you is a moment he's losing out on finding someone new. End the relationship so that you can move on.
You might not want to be with your man anymore, but you're comfortable around him, so you stay. It's easier that way. Why go through the trouble of ending things just so you can waste your paycheck on new clothes to impress new guys and spend your lonely nights at a bar? Even if the single life is unappealing to you, it's something you'll have to deal with if you want to find the perfect guy for you. In the end, it'll all be worth it.
If you're scared that he's going to hurt you or himself once you leave, you need to handle the situation delicately. It might be difficult, but you need to get out of the relationship despite the possible consequences. If you're scared for your safety, break up in public place and get a restraining order if necessary. If you think he's going to hurt himself, contact one of his close friends or a family member. Fill them in on your worries and tell them to keep an eye on him.
The cuddling, kisses, and sex may be great. But if you're only staying together because you don't want to go back to having an empty bed, the relationship needs to end. Don't wait until you find a new guy to break up with the current one. It's inconsiderate and makes it seem like you need a man to survive. Besides, single life isn't so bad! You might enjoy it.
When your family brags about your boyfriend and your friends get jealous over him, it might be hard to let him go. If others urge you to remain in your relationship, don't let peer pressure get to you. They don't know your guy as well as you do and haven't seen how he acts when you're in private. Even if he is 'perfect', the chemistry might not be there. It's your life, your relationship, and your decision whether you should end things.
If you're dating for wrong reasons, I hope you consider ending things soon.
P.s Just because i wrote this does not mean I'm in a Unhealthy or unhappy relationship, it's there to help others.
Till next time...
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